The Mountain between the Two Lakes

So is called the Mottarone, for its particular position from which you can enjoy a truly suggestive panorama, embracing both Lake Maggiore and Lake Orta. At the time of the pioneers, the mountain was accessible from Stresa, only on foot, using the old Alpine mule trackers. In 1911 the railway arrived, the first construction in Italy with rack and electric traction built in Italy. In 1964 the railway was closed, however, the Mottarone has never been so easy to reach as it is today: it is possible to reach the summit by car and by using the cable car from the Stresa lido, from where along the way you enjoy Of a beautiful and evocative view. In addition to the two lakes mentioned above, it is possible to admire different natural wonders: from the Po Valley, with the distant curtain of the Apennines, the Monviso Alps, the Monte Rosa to the Mischabel series, all "four thousand".

Again in this case, the following is just one of the different paths that you can undertake. From Stresa you can use the cable car to reach, within minutes, to the summit (1491 m), the journey takes about 30 minutes; The alternative is to stop at the intermediate station of Alpino, where you can admire the botanical garden "Alpinia", within which, in an area of ​​12,000 square meters, there are alpine plants and botanical attractions of rare beauty . From Alpino you reach the top of Mottarone in a couple of hours of walking, following the asphalt road or following the numerous marked paths, then you follow dirt paths. It is also possible to reach the destination from Stresa and walk along the entire route; Are about 5 hours of walk, for a 14 km journey with a 1300 m slope.


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